name and legal form: Pannkoke Flachglastechnik GmbH
company adress: Haendelweg 5, 23556 Luebeck, Germany
contact details
telephone: +49 451 47008 - 0
telefax: +49 451 47008 - 37
register no.: Lübeck HRB 1040
tax ident. no.: DE135084577
general management: Bernd Pannkoke
editorial responsibility: Bernd Pannkoke
internetdesign & content management system: NEXTLABEL GbR
authorized representative: Bernd Pannkoke, managing director of Pannkoke Flachglastechnik GmbH
vocational regulations:
factory manager: Bernd Pannkoke, Dipl Ing., registered for the electrical engineer trade, metalworker trade and precision mechanic trade
responsible chamber: Chamber of Trade Lübeck, Breite Str. 10/ 12, 23552 Luebeck,
vocational regulations: Crafts and Trade Code (
With its decision of May 12, 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg stated that by linking to outside pages, operators of website can be held responsible for the content of those pages.
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Regarding references on our pages, we would like to emphasise that we have no influence on the links, the layout, possible breaches of valid laws, or trademark rights/title copyrights or the content of the linked web pages. We are not accountable for the creation of the links or for the contents of the pages on which we have placed references, nor do we claim ownership of their contents. This explanation is valid for all links on our website and for all contents of those sites, to which our website leads via links or banners.
We endeavour to publish information on our website, which is as precise and reliable as possible.
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